Jeremie Marié
Jeremie Marié is a young student at the ENSA (National Superior School of Arts), Limoges, France, where he graduated with a B.A. and a special commendation for the quality of his sculptures. Currently, he is a masters student doing an exchange at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee, Scotland and is writing his memoir. He received his Baccalauréat and BEP in fashion trades and related industries (ready-to-wear) from Le Dolmen School, Poitiers, France and Jean Rostand School, Angouleme, France. His studies here lead him to experiment in sculpture using soft materials such as fibre and fur during his Fine Art B.A. Further into his studies he tried painting and has since made it his main medium. His recent works have been concerned with violence against the LGBT+ community.