Neza Agnes Momirski
Agnes Momirski is an artist living and working in London and Rotterdam. She graduated from Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam in 2012, and from MA Sculpture at the Royal College of Art in 2014. She has exhibited internationally at institutions such as Museum De Pont, Kunstpodium T Gallery, Picture-This Bristol and Tent Rotterdam. She has also been awarded numerous grants including the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds grant and a grant from the Ministry of Culture in Slovenia. Her work was chosen as a part of the Saatchi Online collection curated by Leslie Jones (100 days 100 curators). Exploring the influence of language, visual aesthetics, and cinematic narrative structures on perception of reality and self-identity, her work takes the form of film narratives, installations, drawings and sculptures. Momirski exhibited at SHOWstudio as part of the Maison Martin Margiela: SHOWcabinet.